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Bethesda, MD : [Riverdale, MD : The Center ; NOAA Distribution Branch, N/CG33, National Ocean Service, distributor, 1993
3rd ed., June 26, 1993 (Correct through NM 26/93).

Resmi Belge Harita
Washington, D.C. : DMA Hydrographic/Topographic Center : [DMA, Combat Support Center, DOA, distributor], 1990
5th ed., Aug. 18, 1990 (Correct through NM 33/90).

Resmi Belge Harita
Washington, D.C. : Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center : [DMA, Combat Support Center, DOA, distributor], 1989
10th ed., Sept. 30, 1989 (Correct through NM 39/89).

Resmi Belge Harita
Washington, D.C. : [Denver, CO : Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center ; USGS Branch of Distribution, Box 25286, distributor, 1991
16th ed., Aug. 17, 1991 (Correct through NM 33/91).

Resmi Belge Harita
Washington, D.C. : [Denver, CO : Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center ; USGS Branch of Distribution, Box 25286, distributor, 1991
16th ed., Aug. 17, 1991 (Correct through NM 33/91).

Resmi Belge Harita