Medeltidens genus: Kvinnors och m�ans roller inom kultur, r�att och samh�alle. Norden och Europa ca 300-1500.

"In discussions relating to their role during the Middle Ages, women are typically assumed to only have been "pawns in a political game dominated by men", or to have primarily acted as intermediaries of power. In this book, however, the varying expressions of power are studied by chan...

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Format: Book
Published: Gothenburg, Sweden : Kriterium, 2016.
Summary:"In discussions relating to their role during the Middle Ages, women are typically assumed to only have been "pawns in a political game dominated by men", or to have primarily acted as intermediaries of power. In this book, however, the varying expressions of power are studied by changing the focus from a political and economic exercise of power controlled by men, to an approach based on interaction and communication between the sexes. In this volume, gender is instead interpreted as a total social phenomenon comprising all spheres of medieval society. This approach provides new opportunities to investigate how power operated on different levels within a societal structure. Thus, power is neither seen as emanating from a centre nor as dominated by only one sex. Instead, it is regarded as an all-embracing societal web, woven through threads of mutual dependence between men and women. In this book, scholars belonging to various disciplines, such as history, history of arts and literary history, discuss how cooperation between the sexes found expression in culture, judicial spheres and social organisation. The contributions do not only consider the Nordic countries, but also how gender constructions were affected by, and transformed through, the influence of contemporary cultural, juridical and ideological currents in Europe.
Vanliga uppfattningar i diskussioner om kvinnornas roll under medeltiden �ar att de utgjorde "brickor i m�annens politiska spel" eller att de i f�orsta hand verkade som f�ormedlare av makt. I denna antologi studeras dock maktens olika uttrycksformer genom att fokus f�orflyttas fr�an politisk och ekonomisk maktut�ovning kontrollerad av m�an till ett interaktionistiskt syns�att baserat p�a samspelet och kommunikationen mellan k�onen. Genom att se p�a genus som ett totalt socialt fenomen omfattande det medeltida samh�allets alla sf�arer �oppnas m�ojligheter att unders�oka hur makten verkade p�a olika niv�aer inom samh�allsstrukturen. Makten betraktas d�armed varken som utg�aende fr�an ett centrum eller helt dominerad av ett k�on. I boken diskuterar forskare tillh�orande olika discipliner s�asom historia, konstvetenskap och litteraturvetenskap hur samverkan mellan k�onen tog sig uttryck inom kulturen, r�attssamh�allet och den sociala organisationen. Bidragen behandlar inte bara Norden utan �aven hur k�onskonstruktioner p�averkades och f�or�andrades genom inflytande fr�an samtida kulturella, juridiska och ideologiska str�omningar i Europa."
Physical Description:1 online resource (270 pages)