Key legal issues for schools : the ultimate resource for school business officials /

School business officials (SBOs) must, in many respects, serve as all things to all people in their workplaces. This includes having a wealth of knowledge on legal issues ranging from contracts to setting policy to constitutional matters involving the rights of students and teachers. The chapters in...

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Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Beste egile batzuk: Russo, Charles J.
Formatua: Liburua
Argitaratua: Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2006.


Aleari buruzko argibideak Commonwealth
Sailkapena: KF4119 .K49 2006


Aleari buruzko argibideak Lehigh
Sailkapena: 344.7307 K44

Bryn Mawr

Aleari buruzko argibideak Bryn Mawr
Sailkapena: KF4119 .K49 2006


Aleari buruzko argibideak Temple
Sailkapena: KF4119 .K49 2006


Aleari buruzko argibideak Villanova
Sailkapena: KF4119 .K49 2006

West Chester

Aleari buruzko argibideak West Chester
Sailkapena: 344.73 K44